I really needed one more day to rest. Like, really! Then again, I shouldn't complain cause Leesh did A LOT this weekend and it was suppose to be her resting weekend! OOPS! Our balcony is now officialy decorated and furnished!! I dragged leesh along this weekend to grab the stuff and lets just say that we were tired as hell by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around. We also took some time to do a little spring cleaning. There are some nasty shit that lingers around your house during the winter time. Things that you don't think you should be wiping are covered in dust and windows that don't even look dirty from the inside are filthy as hell. It was just gross. Next Saturday, I have to clean all the windows on the outside while Leesh goes to work. I actually want to do it today cause it's so damn nasty. We haven't wiped that baby down since we've moved in and I just want to go home now and wipe that thing down!!! Anyway, I'm not putting up any pics of my balcony. If you want to come and see it, you have to come over and experience it yourself. I can't wait till the weather becomes warmer, I'll sure be spending a lot of time out there now!


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