30 Day Blog - Day 27

something you could never get tired of doing...

This is a tough one but if there was something that I could never get tired of doing then that would be trying new things.  Everyone should try new things.  It's awesome.  You go through the feeling of fear, anticipation and then accomplishment all in one day.  Seriously.  Step out of your comfort zone a little and feel like you're actually living.  Some people laugh at the things I take up at my age but I just brush it off because honestly I'm doing it for myself and no one else.  There are some awesome moments though when you can share some of these things with your friends.  When they get you, they are happy for you in whatever you do. That feeling is awesome!  Somethings that I've tried in the last 2 years are
  • surfing
  • snowboarding
  • longboarding
  • meeting people with similar interests
I've actually met 2 people.  This guy Geoff who told me about the surf camp in Punta Cana (and possibly might go to Costa Rica with him and his friends this Jan for a surf trip) and another dude named Ivan who I went longboarding with a couple of times over the summer (who has invited me to go snowboarding with them and possibly a trip to Whistler).  It was awkward at first but it's so nice hanging out with people that have the same interests as you.


Maureen said...

good one! it totally makes you who you are!

Leesh said...

The middle photo is hilarious. I am glad that you go out there and do things that you want to do. It's healthy that we have separate hobbies. I need to try new things, maybe I should take your lead and find something that interests me.

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