30 Day Blog - Day 7

A picture of someone that has influenced me the most.

This my friends is a picture of my grandfather, Justice Felix Q. Antonio or otherwise known to us as Tata.

He has had the most influence in my life by far.  Things that I do or strive for is because I saw that he wanted the same things as well.  He along with my grandmother, loved to travel and he used to tell me stories of where he went.  He made me realize that there was a bigger world out there for me to explore when I get older.  He used to bring me to his vocal lessons and I sat there and watched him sing, which everyone knows, singing was a big part of my late teens and 20's.  As far as I'm concerned he has shaped my goals in life which is basically to be happy in what you do.  He was awesome and I loved him to death!

I really wished I was old enough to ask him some questions.  I would've loved to hear what he would've had to say.  Learn from him and his experiences.  I would've loved to ask him how he survived through WWII and the experience of just being there. I just feel I could have learned so much from this man but I left the country too early and too young to ask these types of questions but when I was old enough to, it was his turn to leave.

When he passed away I remember crying so hard in pain knowing that I would no longer see him and that with his passing, my childhood had ended.  I knew from that day it was time for me to grow up.  It was a sad day, but the man left a life long imprint in my being.


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