30 Day Blog - Day 2

My favorite season?...

It used to be Summer, but I go away so much that the whole year is like an endless summer to me (which ironically enough is one of my favorite surf movies of all time).  I hated Winter, but ever since I started snowboarding, I've gotten this new appreciation for the cold weather up here.  Especially snow! I can't hate Fall cause that's when my birthday is and usually is the time when the dopest coats come out in retail! Spring I like cause it reminds me of my trips to NYC.  I always go in the Spring.  So really at the end of it all, I don't have a favorite season. Since I live in a climate where the seasons always changing, there's no point in complaining when a certain season hits.  Enjoy it all.  In fact, enjoy the fact that you are alive, breathing and get to experience another season in your life!  Life is all about changes and we should embrace them and find the positives in every single one.  Change is good!

Whoa I got deep there in the end! LOL!


Maureen said...

woh. very deep for a Tuesday morning... LoL! hahaha, but you're right. we should embrace change. there's always a positive side to it.

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