So I've been busy..

...hence why I haven't blogged in a while.  In any case here's no need to talk about the past, just the future.

In 2 weeks I will be heading back down to Vegas for my second time.  This time I'm going with my boyz from High School.  Here's the shocking part.  This is the first guys trip we have taken EVER.  Yes it only took this long and the sad part is I think this will be the only guys trip we will be able to take.  I'm going to make the most of it.  We're going to be staying at the Planet Hollywood Towers.  No plans, we're just going to pretty much wing it.  The groom said it best when he said "I don't want to force participation".  Well said.

In May I may have a potential business trip coming up.  NYC and Miami for a mini design trip.  I'm not going to get excited about it until it does happen.  No point in me hyping it up and it doesn't end up happening.  The exciting part is that I will finally get to go to Miami if it all goes through.

One of the things I've been busy with over the last week was I was summoned to jury duty selection.  I was summoned back in February but with the Olympics coming up at that time, it was really bad timing.  This was my rescheduled date.  I have to say that it's a very interesting process.  The whole situation doesn't get real until you get in the courtroom and start hearing these charges the person is up against.  Then you think "Shit, this is someone's life here that's about to change"!  It's a very sobering experience.  I mean I was worried about this trial going on forever and that it would conflict with my Vegas plans and meanwhile this guy was worried about going to jail.  Sometimes the things you worry about aren't really THAT BIG OF A DEAL.  In any case, I didn't get chosen so that was one thing I didn't have to worry about anymore.

There's been some things on the go lately which I will not talk about and I'm just going to let it pan out if it happens so I'll leave it till it does =)


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