RIP Michael Jackson

Yesterday we lost a legendary icon of our generation. Many people have mocked Michael Jackson on how his life turned for the worst and basically ended up as a freak show towards the end of his life but let me help you understand something. This guy that you have called a "Freak show" has done more in 25 years than the majority of us will ever do in a lifetime. He has broken the doors down for many of today's artists and he also had changed the way the industry used media to promote and expand an artists exposure. Call him what you want but I can honestly say that I have never made a bad comment about Michael Jackson, if any of you have truly realized what this man has done, then not a bad word will ever come out of your mouth. If you have, you're just ungrateful. RIP, thank you for what you have done for music. Epic!


leesh said...

Very well written. I know for a fact that you and I never made any bad comments about him and only had the most resepct for his music and him as a human being. I hope I still have that anniversary special for MJ on a VHS tape somewhere in our condo.

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