Facebook Free!!

So after 7 months of joining facebook, I've decided to delete my account!!  It feels great not having it to be honest.  I'm not having to look at other peoples annoying status updates.  If I want to look at peoples status updates, I rather look at and keep twitter and that I still have.

One disturbing thing that happened was when my cousin posted a pic on his profile page.  It was a pic that I had taken of my friend with a shirt that said "No I do not have facebook".  I asked him if he took it off my page and he told me that the picture got EMAILED TO HIM!  WTF!  Who steals peoples pics and emails it to people.  This made me question the whole security and privacy issue of facebook.  It's the same feeling as if someone broke into your car.  It's just retarded!

So I deleted my facebook account.  It was fun while it lasted, I honestly shouldn't have joined in the first place.  I didn't want to but I wanted to keep in touch with a few friends we've met on vacation but realized I can do that in other ways.  We didn't have facebook before so I think it's time people get back to learning how to socialize with people the proper way, face to face.


Leesh said...

Welcome back to my world! I'm glad that I didn't cave in and join. I rather tweet and blog. At least I know that people visit my blog to read about what I have to say, even if I don't post any photos. Plus, I like my blog fan base!

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