I swear I LOVE OLN!!!  First this network gave me the show Breakbound which was a show about a guy name Jeff Karram who was from Markham went to chase his dream to become a professional surfer.  Really cool guy and he btw has personally invited me to join him and surf in Ecuador but I still haven't taken him up on his offer lol!  Then they brought me the AWESOME show Departures!!  If you haven't seen this show you're...well...stupid HAHHA! 

Now I just discovered 2 shows that they show and I'm HOOKED on them.  One is called Ghost Hunters and the other one is called Destination Truth!  They are both on weekdays at 7pm and 8pm!  AWESOME SHOWS!!!


 OLN get on HD Already!!!!!!


Martha S said...

Thannks for this blog post

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