The Weekend...

The weekend started off to a rough and "bumpy" start. Friday morning Alysia woke me up and said "Mike theres a new face wash in the bath tub, I want you to try it out" Now keep in mind, I'm blind without my contacts or glasses and I obviously wear neither in the shower. So as I'm taking my usual shower, I see the only new thing thats in the bath tub and proceed to use it on my face. As I felt the tingling sensation of the product, I decided to look to make sure that there were no cucumber extracts in it since I get rashes from them. As I pull the product closer to my face, I see this...
YES! THAT IS FOOT SCRUB!! I friggin put FOOT SCRUB on my face!!! LOL!! No wonder the stupid thing smelt like peppermint! Then as I put the scrub back down, there it was, the new face wash in a SMALL TRANSLUCENT CONTAINER! Thanks Leesh! At least people had a laugh about it. Leesh was dying of laughter when I told her at work! Well at least you can say you know someone who gave them self a face pedicure! LOL

Then Friday night we went out for the first time in a while to Rich and Gina's engagement party. It was good to see most of everyone after a long while and it was just nice to sit down, have a drink and chat. James and Trix were there as well and they asked me to be the emcee for their wedding. Now I usually don't like being the emcee cause I love to get drunk, but I realized that I really don't need to be funny or quirky or entertaining. I'm really just suppose to get the program going and thats what I'm going to do. I know them but I don't know them well enough to start making jokes about them. I do have a few, but they are all of James.

Saturday morning I finally decided to wash the windows. They were pissing me off so I thought it was time to clean them. Lets just say It took me a full 3 hours just to clean the balcony windows and walls of all the nasty dirt that has accumulated there in years. It took me an hour alone just to clean the screen on the sliding door. I do have a story about that, but keep on reading. After everything was nicely cleaned, leesh and I had breakfast on our balcony. As ghey as it was, it was pretty nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather while we people watched. I love my balcony, I hope some of you can get to enjoy it while the weather is good!

By the time Sat night came along, Reggie, Chris, Dwight and Ron stopped by to watch UFC. Now I'm not a big UFC fan, well lets be honest, I don't even watch the damn thing!! Reggie asked me on Friday if we can watch it at my place and I said sure, why not. I figured it was a good excuse to get the guys over and see the new balcony. I actually enjoyed it! I just find it funny that some people walk in there all normal and by the time the match is done, they are just FUCKED up! It was a good event and the fuckin Montreal crowd kicks ass!!

So about that screen door, I guess I cleaned it very well cause when Chris was walking back into the condo, HE WALKED INTO IT! LOL!! I couldn't stop laughing! All in all it was a good time with the guys on Saturday! I also wanted to do it since I won't be here on Friday to celebrate Reggies birthday so I thought that was the equivalent to taking him out for drinks, even though he brought the beer LOL...hey whatever, that pay per view fight was fuckin expensive! lol!!

Anyway and as for Sunday, well thats just starting out. I'm typing my blog and Leesh is fast asleep. Well I hope you guys had a great weekend as well and as you know, we will be leaving for San Francisco this Thursday and I will blog about that when I get back. I'll have to be quick about it too since 2 weeks after that Leesh and I are off to Vegas!!! VIVAAAA LAS VEGAS!!


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